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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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Looks like XxnxxX didn't mean it when she says I suck.
She says i am 'fine'.
Lol. Think i suk anyways.
Today's a bad day.

Sunday, March 11, 2007
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ok fine. so my birthday is not a big event. no one cares.


Well a time of celebration for me, to say the least.

The Philisophical Musings of Ting Da King

-How can a book have two freakin' titles yet the content remains unchanged?
-Why do some adults act like children?

So, I was at the library, and I saw this book titles similar to Becoming Bindy Mackenzie except this time it was The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie. So I wuz thinking that the previous book was a good one so it took it. And when I went home the content was EXACTLY THE SAME. So i wuz thinking, is that legal? How can you FOXGLOVE have two books with different covers and titles and have exactly the same content? FLAX it I had to carry that heavy novel home in vain. There wasn't a single effin change in the book. But SPLURGE, what can I do?

You know how some people get very absorbed in their book when they're reading? I guess thats true for every single person. Agree or Disagree in my taggie please. So anyway, i wuz reading this good book called 'The Trouble with Liberty' and its about this lame BITE who thinks the whole world revolves around her and thinks all the FOXGLOVE gullible guys like her. And shes a real SPLURGER. Ok so anyway, this lady with three kids -two little, one a bit older came in and she had the intention to read the newpaper and so she took one off from the shelf. I guess her kiddies were excited so they were SCREAMING. Well not that that mattered. I was so absorbed i could ignore it. So this guy, shouted at her in a rather rude voice "Please tell ur children to keep quiet!" Well i kinda think its hard for a lady holding a newspaper to tell three children making noise and holding balloons so shut their trap DON'T YOU THE LAME LOSER WHO SHOUTED? She wuz trying! So he repeated the request, more of an order actually, and she was trying, but kiddies being kiddies they can't really ocontrol themselves and i think it is fine since i was a kiddy before. So he marched up to her, spat in her face, snatched the newspaper from her hand, dunked it back into the shelf , sat back on his seat, and shouted again, "If your children wants to make noise please go out."
Poor thing. The lady must have been humiliated.
I wuz never distracted by their screams of joy, but your rude shouts were very painful to the ears. You talk like a horse.
Anyway, what can i do? March up to him an give him an earful? Unlikely.I'd keep myself out of this but i can't help thinking he's a bit mean. Ok fine. VERY mean.


I some what regret joining scrabble. I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very lousy at scrabble. Even TIGRESS agrees. And MY backed out at the last moment. I can hardly believe it. Now I'm dead. Might as well make myself ill on that day.

Book Titles that caught Ting Da King's eye:
-Zee's Way
-The Trouble with Liberty
-The Hemington Way
(Or wait. Was it Hemingly? I dunnoe. Hemingwatevs.)

Friday, March 09, 2007
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The Philosophical Musings of Ting Da King:

I just realised something today.
I'm a reincarnated Komodo Dragon.
Why, you ask?
Because we share common characteristics. Very common.

1)We are both very ugly
2)We are cold blooded
3)We are carnivorous and vicious
4)We intoxicate other animals' blood
5)We can do so because we have a mouth full of fangs and venom and bacterial substances

Maybe thats why I'm so hatable?
I have always considered myself a FOXGLOVE anyway.
I kind of think the reason people are fawning over me about the outing is not really because they want to celebrate it with me. I kind of think its because they need an excuse to go out.
Which makes me realised how much you effin need to be popular in order to have fun when ur a teenager. Are we teenagers? Yes.
They say being a teenager is like drowning.
If so, I have drowned. In homeowork. In every other thing.
I went on a binge and it felt good. I hate a plate of rice with chicken drumlets and egg and then I ate four fried chicken wings and then I ate two packets of instant noodles and then I ate six otahs and then i drank two cans of coke and a cup of ice cream. I'm getting fat.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
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The Philosophical Musings of Ting Da King:
I was wondering some things today when i was bored, see if you can give me an answer by leaving a taggie!
- Why can horrible be shortened to horrid but terrible can't be shortened to terrid?
- Why is pants singular?
- Can you cry underwater?

Book Titles that caught Ting Da King's eyes:
-Becoming Bindy Mackenzie

Ting Da King's Horrible Day:
Today was all f/d up. There wuz so much effin homework and i have piano lesson and i haven't had time to practice and I'm bored. I caught Kun Yang looking at Churen lustiviously after i told him she got 33 to and he said Oh SPLURGE. Which makes me wonder why cause he would be more of the type to use FLAX. Which brings me back to my thoughts of being a teenager, because don't you ever realise teenagers like to use vulgarities a lot, like saying Oh SPLURGE or something like that to swear? I guess its like one of the ideas brought about Becoming Bindy Mackenzie - I guess vulgarities add a bit more character. They mentioned that being a teenager is very SPLURGEY cos you always feel like SPLURGE because of you're caught up in reverie and worrying how people look at you. Using vulgarities comes from the effin need for adrenaline and climax, like as though you willingly wanted to be scolded or punished, and i can agree because i sometimes effin feel that way to and i sometimes just want to use words like FLAX so i can get scolded and the adrenaline rush will come. Its kinda exhilirating isn't it? Also, teenagers have occasional trouble judging if their adults or children and that makes them all hiffy and they get all namby pamby and sentimental. Coming back to the point, Mrs Goh interrupted us by scolding the girls for moving about and so i " Naturally Kun Yang heard it, he knew it was a joke but you know guy and guy stuff about coming into blows and all that and needing the adrenaline and so we debated over it and i have concluded that it wasn't a lustivious look but a jealous look and he has concluded that i am absolutely juvenile and childish.


Call me Anazandre

I was Born on the 16 March 1995

Email me at

I am Bloodless


Music is my Life

I Lurve the Comp

Appreciate all my Friends

Love Chocolates

Sleeping is my Hobby


Vegetables are Horriblicious

Bitches and Backstabbers should Die

School Sucks

Its a Miracle when I Work

The More I Learn, the More I Forget, so why should I Learn?


--January 2007--
--March 2007--



My Sista
2006 Class Blog


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