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Saturday, January 20, 2007
-- --

This is the grand opening of my new blog!
Hope you like my formatting and skins.
Please leave me a taggie if you would like to give me tips on blogging or just tell me something.


Call me Anazandre

I was Born on the 16 March 1995

Email me at

I am Bloodless


Music is my Life

I Lurve the Comp

Appreciate all my Friends

Love Chocolates

Sleeping is my Hobby


Vegetables are Horriblicious

Bitches and Backstabbers should Die

School Sucks

Its a Miracle when I Work

The More I Learn, the More I Forget, so why should I Learn?


--January 2007--
--March 2007--



My Sista
2006 Class Blog


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* taggie
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* quotes

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